My infamous old preacher, mentor, and employer, Dr. Gene Scott (once called “The Shock Jock of Televangelism“), would say about errant bible teaching: “Text without context is Kotex”. So, here’s some context. The accurate headline above was written for the search engines, and people too lazy to read the article. It’s the least I can do for this injustice:
The motion the Village of Columbus passed was:
Resolution 2024-69. A resolution to NEGATE SUPPORT to the creation of Mimbres Peaks National Monument. Get it? 3 out of 4 “Trustees” APPROVED THE MOTION AGAINST SUPPORTING A NATIONAL MONUMENT IN LUNA COUNTY.
Kudos to the holdout Trustee Bill Johnson. The mayor only votes in a tiebreaker (full disclosure: the mayor is my uncle), but considering he tried his level best to table the motion (upon the trustees being educated before voting), I’m pretty sure what his vote would have been. You know, the common sense vote.

So it goes in Columbus. I’ve watched it for 40 years. At times, City council members (and some mayor’s), here are easily leveraged against what’s best for the village and their constituents. Leveraged by bribes, fear, good ol’ boy codes, and even Barack H. Obama. You read that right, the last time Columbus, NM trustees and mayor were in harmony, was just before they all got stung by Obama’s “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal and sent to Federal prison. (Mayor, Police Chief & Two Trustees among others). Think I’m kidding? I wish I was. Read for yourself.
The question is: Who leveraged who this time around?
It’s obvious (to me anyway), by the language of motion the fix was in. If the motion was written for the good of the Village, it would have been written to vote For or Against the designation. Not just a vote against. Duh.
Without any questions to the presenters, and zero discussion of the motion before voting, the Village of Columbus “Trustees” OFFICIALLY told tourists to “TAKE A HIKE AT SOME OTHER HISTORICAL MONUMENT!

I have no clue who they got too, but, I have a pretty good idea who the “they” are this time. “The Columbus-Hills Bully’s”, a rancher gang running skeered their rope is gunna slip off. The leader and mouthpiece of this rancher gang is Russell Johnson, heir apparent to the 100 year+ old family business: Carzalia Valley Produce and president of New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau. If you visit his Facebook page (here), you’ll see he thinks he’s “Killing It” when it comes to conversation about the Mimbres Peaks historical monument designation.
In reality, what Mr. Johnson apparently “killed” was his conversation with me. It used to be on this post in the Deming Community Facebook group seen here, but I can’t find it anymore. Thank goodness I had the premonition to screenshot ALL OF IT (available upon request by media only).
What the whole community quickly learned was, Mr. Johnson started a fight, and didn’t expect a challenger. Even I was embarrassed for him. NO FACTS, NO EVIDENCE. Only Opinion, Speculation, and Fearmongering.
The only thing Mr. Johnson came off as an expert in is fertilizer, aka Bullsh*t.
You can see his blustering started about what’s good for the community, and by the finish of our exchange, he ended with his contempt for the community and very people who have given their blood, sweat, and tears to his family gain for over 100 years. Yeah, I’d try hide it too Rustle Johnson.
Without doubt, Columbus, New Mexico is where Progress goes to die. The old guard there likes things just the way they are. With their fingers in the till one way or another. And sometimes literally.
One last thing. I love ranchers. I hate bullies. I’m the son of a Texas rancher. Though born and raised in Southern California, I spent every summer vacation from school grades 1st-11th on the family ranch in Throckmorton, TX. So, I know bullsh*t when I smell it. And for the single cowgirls here, you can find me on YeeHaw! 😉
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Related reading:
It’s Time To Circle The Wagons Luna County!
Op-ed by
Addison B. Bachman
Editor of VOC Blog
Noteworthy speakers at last nights meeting:
Executive Director

Candidate for Luna County Commission
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